Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada


Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada


PHONE: +1(587)971-8369
EMAIL: [email protected]


Brian is a successful trainer, coach, teacher, mentor, presenter, marketer, salesman, and entrepreneur that has spent the last 2 decades dedicated to growing his own businesses and guiding others to new levels of success. Throughout his life he has taken great pride not only in excelling on his own, but also in helping people become the best version of themselves.

His Biggest Success : When he created the sales process (and then did the sales) for a financial services advisory firm that went from himself, the owner, and a programmer to now being the largest of its kind in Canada (managing over $1.5B in assets with an additional passive revenue source from hundreds of clients).

His biggest failure: Not learning about Grant Cardone sooner. “I knew the name, but to me I just thought he was going to be like all the other self help guys out there”. After his business (the biggest of its kind in NW Alberta) hit a plateau that he could not break through, he signed up and joined the Unbreakable Business Challenge. “In my first month I increased my profit by over 100% compared to the same month for the previous 4 years and I beat my best ever month by over 20%. And it was my slow season!”

As soon as he saw his own real time results on how powerful the system was, he knew he had to join the team with Grant Cardone to help spread the word to millions of business owners.

Brian has worked with various sizes of companies, from big financial services individuals/teams, transportation companies, oil and gas services, down to small family owned businesses.
Contact him so he can show you how to 10X your business.