Dan Fairbanks

Seattle, WA


Puebla, Mexico


PHONE: 435-922-0046
EMAIL: [email protected]


I’m Dan Fairbanks and I am the CEO and Co-Founder of XION Retail, Inc. which provides a world-class omnichannel retail software and education platform that empowers local retailers to impact more customers, create more revenue, and have more free time. One of XION’s primary services is XION.store, a marketplace for consumers to shop local retailers online.
About me: I love to spend time with my family, I love to travel, I graduated from BYU, I studied entrepreneurship, I started 6 businesses, I have read hundreds of books and put the best of what I’ve learned into practice so that I can teach what works and what doesn’t. As a local retail shop owner, I have become passionate about helping small retailers thrive. I even became a software engineer so that I could build the best software in the world for retailers to operate their business at 10X levels.
Having met with hundreds of retailers I realized that there is a big lack of information out there for local retailers to learn how to operate at 10X levels in-store and online. I believe there is an opportunity for local retailers to be the biggest and strongest level of retail there is, but we need to work together and learn from each other to achieve that. I am on a mission to make that happen. I want your retail business to be everything you dreamed it could be and I can help you with that.


I’m Dan Fairbanks and I am the CEO and Co-Founder of XION Retail, Inc. which provides a world-class omnichannel retail software and education platform that empowers local retailers to impact more customers, create more revenue, and have more free time. One of XION’s primary services is XION.store, a marketplace for consumers to shop local retailers online.
About me: I love to spend time with my family, I love to travel, I graduated from BYU, I studied entrepreneurship, I started 6 businesses, I have read hundreds of books and put the best of what I’ve learned into practice so that I can teach what works and what doesn’t. As a local retail shop owner, I have become passionate about helping small retailers thrive. I even became a software engineer so that I could build the best software in the world for retailers to operate their business at 10X levels.
Having met with hundreds of retailers I realized that there is a big lack of information out there for local retailers to learn how to operate at 10X levels in-store and online. I believe there is an opportunity for local retailers to be the biggest and strongest level of retail there is, but we need to work together and learn from each other to achieve that. I am on a mission to make that happen. I want your retail business to be everything you dreamed it could be and I can help you with that.